Sunday, May 1, 2022

The Typewriter (What I learned EOTO)

The typewriter may not be something we use anymore, but the invention of them was a crucial stepping stone in the creation of the computers we use today. The typewriter was first invented in 1714 by a man named Henry Mill, who submitted the first patent for the typewriter on January 7th. Although the Patent of this invention belonged to Henry Mill, the first model of the typewriter was not made until 1808. The first typewriter ever made was referred to as the “writing ball” and did not reach America until the early 1870’s, nearly 200 years after the first patent was created. 

The typewriter revolutionized writing forever. Typing was much faster than handwriting, and allowed people to become more efficient. It quickly became the new normal, and was adapted into large businesses, the government, and school. Also, the model of the typewriter heavily inspired how personal and portable computers are set up today. Without the typewriter, the computer we know and love could look entirely different. 

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