Sunday, May 1, 2022

The World of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) has always been a huge interest for me, however I always look at AI from the fun side. From Artificial Intelligence robots, to automatic editors, there's a lot about AI that will make the world easier and fun. However, with the introduction of AI, our personal lives and careers are at risk.

How Malaysia Can Navigate Its Future Economy With AI – Microsoft Malaysia  News Center

Something that really scared me, being someone that would like to work in digital media, was the discussion of AI replacing jobs. The idea of Artificial Intelligence learning how to do simple edits like cutting down footage will be a huge time saver, especially for independent editors like myself. However, as AI progresses, who knows how well they will be able to edit a video or movie. This will almost completely wipe out the profession as a whole. This idea is completely terrifying for me and many others. What would the world be if AI were able to fulfill all of our jobs? 

Will A Robot Take Your Job? AI & The Future Of Jobs | Built In

Another thing that stood out to me was the ability for AI to target ads and sell products. With the ability to gather all of our information: what we click on, how long we view websites, what we look up, they are able to gather information on us. This information allows them to be able to tell our interests, ethnicity, sexuality, and other personal information. With this, advertisers are able to push their ads to people they know they would interest, at times where they would want the product. There is a ton of controversy around this ability, and I believe I hold an unpopular opinion. I love this feature. I adore that almost all advertisements I see are things that I am interested in buying, or need. I don't feel invaded or unsafe, because as long as what I google and look at isn't being shown to my family and friends, I don't have anything to hide. Although, the idea that they have the control to push content to me to purposefully alter my mood and emotions is very scary, but if those things go hand and hand with each other, i'm okay with it.

Now It's Personal: How Knowing an Ad Is Targeted Changes Its Impact | Yale  Insights

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