Sunday, May 1, 2022

The Importance of Internet Safety

What is facial recognition - and how sinister is it? | Biometrics | The  Guardian

As people, we are not cautious enough about the information we are posting about ourselves online. The permanence of our thoughts and images allow us to be immortalized through our online choices. No matter how much this is told to us, we are still not careful about what we decide to share about ourselves. With the Introduction of Facial Recognition we use on our phones and computers, this is allowing the information to be stored. Now, it is easier than ever for surveillance cameras to pick up on who is who. Although this may be good for hunting down criminals and keeping us safe, what about everyone else? Facial recognition will allow just about anyone to figure out who you are and be linked to your social media in the matter of seconds. Its crucial this sort of technology does not fall into the wrong hands.

Amini & Conant | Revenge Porn: Using the Law to Strike Back
Of all of these clips, Darieth Chisolm’s Ted Talk about Revenge Porn really stuck out to me. The fact that Darieth had no control over these explicit images being taken of her by someone she loved and trusted, yet they were posted for the world to see with no ability to take it down, is utterly terrifying. However, this happens way too much in our world. This man had posted these private images, and threatened to harm and even kill Chisolm, yet she was not helped at. She had to fight for her security back, and spent thousands of dollars in legal fees. To this day, there is only one bill working to be put in place to prevent this, called the ENOUGH Act. This is a serious issue that is ruining the lives of these young women and needs to be taken more seriously.  The government needs to be much more heavily involved in these cases, and start treating internet safety as seriously as physical safety.

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