Thursday, March 24, 2022

Individual Self Fulfillment

When reviewing the Eight Values of Free Expression, number four resonates the most with me. Expression number four is “Individual Self Fulfillment”, otherwise known as Self Actualization. Our right to have free speech, in my opinion, is the best way we are able to express ourselves as people. Our ability to speak on certain topics and share our opinions is what shapes our identity, and makes us the person we are. Free speech not only shapes who we are, but our society. If we are unable to speak on what we believe is right, there would be no change in our world.

Free Speech | American Civil Liberties Union

There are many types of free speech. Speech goes further than the actual act of speaking, but also the ability to write your beliefs and petition. I especially believe this right is the most crucial, because we are able to stand up about the injustices that happen in our society. The act of people being able to speak about these issues allow problems to begin to be resolved, and light to be shined on them. For instance, the incident that occured in May of 2020 with George Floyd. This devastating example of police brutality gave people the confidence to speak out and petition for change. This lead the BLM movement to gain popularity, and thousands of people protested to end police brutality. This sparked conversation of other cases like Floyds that had been left unresolved, and help seek justice for those families. For instance, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. 

The power of protest in 2020 - First Amendment Museum

With social media, free speech is being used and shared more now than ever before in history. Over 32 billion people are active on facebook everyday sharing comments, posts, and likes. 32 billion on facebook alone, nevermind other social media apps like twitter, instagram, and tik tok. These users are constantly sharing their opinion on anything and everything, from politics to their favorite cake flavor. This sparks important conversations, arguments, and discoveries that need to be had in order for our society to keep evolving. In the past, to learn about topics from the point of view of others, you would have to speak to them directly. Now, you are able to learn and understand different peoples perspectives from all around. Although some things are not allowed to be talked about on social media websites, it does give people the ability to speak on some topics.

In the Age of Social Media, Expand the Reach of the First Amendment

It can be argued that social media websites are taking away the right, by banning people for speaking on specific topics, as well as limiting conversations. For instance, the popular social media site TikTok was accused of censoring black creators and those speaking on the BLM movement. For example, a popular black creator, Ziggi Tyler Posted multiple videos showing how the app would not allow certain phrases in his bio as well as in the description of the video. He was even unable to use the word “black”. When he did, he was flagged right away for posting “inappropriate content” However, social media is owned by private companies, not the government. So, them censoring what you post, isnt technically breaking the first amendment. 

To conclude, I believe Individual Self Fulfillment is the most important value of expression, because it allows us to speak freely on topics we feel strongly about as well as express ourselves as people.

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